Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Quotes by Edward Zigler, Ph.D

                               "I have long believed that the development of a child does not begin the day he is born - or at age three - but much earlier, during the formative years of his parents ."

"It is important to help children learn as much as possible about parenting to help prevent social problems like premature child bearing, and child neglect and abuse. Now that we know more about brain development in the very young, it is critical that we teach our future parents the important role that parents can play in stimulating and nurturing their children, and in preparing them to reach their full potential in school and in later life."

1 comment:

  1. Social problem is a big issue in today's society and can be criticle if parents are not taught how to handle and deal with children in certain situations. I think that it is very important to educate and teach parents about their children behaviors and their developmental stages.
